Leela, the Game of (Self)Knowledge
Actually, there is only one game, the game in which each of us is the player playing our own role. That game is the all-encompassing game of cosmic forces: Leela. It is a divine game that is present in the nature of our deepest inner self, which also creates the names and forms, the world we perceive. Leela is life itself, the energy that finds expression in the thousands of images and feelings that constantly play out within us.
The essence of the players is their ability to take on a role, and in itself, this essence can assume any role. But once they participate in the game, once they have adopted the identity of a personality, they lose insight into their true nature. They forget the essence, and they forget that they are playing a game. Their movements are determined by the dice of their actions (karma).
Just as there are moments when sunlight momentarily illuminates the pattern of the river's waves, there are moments when the clear light of our consciousness illuminates the pattern of the role a person plays in their life. In those moments, the nature and flow of their life energy are revealed clearly, as if in relief. In those moments, the player loses attachment to their role and begins to see their life as part of a greater whole.
The goal of this game is to help the players avoid attachment to their identifications and to show them how they can become better players. For this game is the microcosm of the larger Game. The 72 squares on the game board contain the essence of thousands of years of self-discovery, which forms the heart of the Indian tradition.
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Contents of Leela, the Game of Self-Knowledge, by Harish Johari
online version with art and music by Garsett Larosse
The Commentaries
4. First Row: The Fundamentals of Being
8. Avarice (matsar or matsarya)
5. Second Row: The Realm of Fantasy
11. Entertainment (gandharvas)
14. Astral plane (bhuvar-loka)
15. Plane of fantasy (naga-loka)
18. Plane of joy (harsha-loka)
6. Third Row: The Theater of Karma
19. Plane of action (karma-loka)
22. Plane of dharma (dharma-loka)
23. Celestial plane (swarga-loka)
24. Bad Company (ku-sang-loka)
25. Good company (su-sang-loka)
27. Selfless service (parmarth)
7. Fourth Row: Attaining Balance
30. Good tendencies (uttam gati)
31. Plane of sanctity (We Are One) (yaksha-loka)
32. Plane of balance (maha- or mahar-loka)
33. Plane of fragrance (gandha-loka)
34. Plane of taste (rasa-loka)
36. Clarity of consciousness (swatch)
8. Fifth Row: Man Becomes Himself
37. True awareness (gyana; traditionally, jnana)
38. Plane of life energy (prana-loka)
39. Plane of elimination (apana-loka)
40. Plane of circulation (vyana-loka)
43. Birth of man (manushya-janma)
9. Sixth Row: The Time of Penance
47. Plane of neutrality (Saraswati)
49. Lunar plane (Ganges or Ganga)
50. Plane of austerity (tapa- or tapar-loka)
52. Plane of violence (himsa-loka)
54. Spiritual devotion (bhakti-loka)
10. Seventh Row: The Plane of Reality
56. Plane of primal vibrations (Omkar)
58. Plane of radiation (teja-loka)
59. Plane of reality (satya-loka)
60. Positive intellect (subuddhi)
61. Negative intellect (durbuddbi)
11. Eighth Row: The Gods Themselves
64. Phenomenal plane (prakriti-loka)
65. Plane of inner space (uranta-loka)
66. Plane of bliss (ananda-loka)
67. Plane of cosmic good (Rudra-loka)
68. Cosmic Consciousness (Vaikuntha-loka)
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TheLifeArtist.org - Leela (Eng) - Healing Earth.org
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