Leela contents
The Digital Palace
The Entrance Hall
The Workshop Studio
The Art Gallery
The Music Studio
The Wishing Trees Garden
The Shopping Center
The Health Studio
The R & D Center
The Massage Studio
The Meditation Room
The Adult section
The Kitchen
Dancing with the Goddess
Leela (Eng)
Rules of Play
Meaning of the game
1. Genesis (Janma)
2. Illusion (Maya)
3. Anger (Krodh)
4. Greed (Lobh)
5. Physical Plane (Bhu-Loka)
6. Delusion (Moha)
7. Conceit (Mada)
8. Avarice (Matsar)
9. Sensual Plane (Kama-Loka)
10. Purification (Shuddhi)
11. Entertainment (Gandharvas)
12. Envy (Eirsha)
13. Nullity (Antariksha)
14. Astral Plane (Bhuvar-Loka)
15. Plane of Fantasy (Naga-Loka)
16. Jealousy (Dwesh)
17. Mercy (Daya)
18. Plane of Joy (Harsha-Loka)
19. Plane of Action (Karma-Loka)
20. Charity (Daan)
21. Atonement (Saman Paap)
22. Plane of Dharma (Dharma-Loka)
23. Celestial Plane (Swarga-Loka)
24. Bad Company (Ku-Sang-Loka)
25. Good Company (Su-Sang-Loka)
26. Sorrow (Dukh)
27. Selfless Service (Parmarth)
28. Apt Region (Sudharma)
29. Irreligiosity (Adharma)
30. Good Tendencies (Uttam Gati)
31. Plane of Sanctity (Yaksha-Loka)
32. Plane of Balance (Maha-Loka)
33. Plane of Fragrance (Gandha-Loka)
34. Plane of Taste (Rasa-Loka)
35. Purgatory (Narka-Loka)
36. Clarity of Consciousness (Swatch)
37. True Awareness (Jnana-Loka)
38. Plane of Prana (Prana-Loka)
39. Plane of Elimination (Apana-Loka)
40. Plane of Circulation (Vyana-Loka)
41. Human Plane (Jana-Loka)
42. Plane of Fire (Agni-Loka)
43. Birth of Man (Manushya-Janma)
44. Ignorance (Avidya)
45. Right Knowledge (Suvidhya)
46. Conscience (Vivek)
47. Plane of Neutrality (Saraswati)
48. Solar Plane (Yamuna)
49. Lunar Plane (Ganga)
50. Plane of Austerity (Tapa-Loka)
51. Earth (Prithvi)
52. Plane of Violence (Himsa-Loka)
53. Liquid Plane (Jala-Loka)
54. Spiritual Devotion (Bhakti-Loka)
55. Egotism (Ahamkara)
56. Primal Vibrations (Omkar)
57. Gaseous Plane (Vayu-Loka)
58. Plane of Radiation (Teja-Loka)
59. Plane of Reality (Sathya-Loka)
60. Positive Intellect (Subuddhi)
61. Negative Intellect (Durbuddhi)
62. Happiness (Sukh)
63. Darkness (Tamas)
64. Phenomenal Plane (Prakriti-Loka)
65. Plane of Inner Spce (Uranta-Loka)
66. Plane of Bliss (Ananda-Loka)
67. Plane of Cosmic Good (Rudra-Loka)
68. Cosmic Consciousness (Vaikuntha-Loka)
69. Absolute Plane (Brahma-Loka)
70. True Nature (Satoguna)
71. Activity (Rajoguna)
72. Inertia (Tamoguna)
Leela 2.0
Convivial Technology - The Digital Age of Aquarius
Keylontic Science
The Tantra Vision
The World of AI
Vigyan Bhairav
SourceDevi (Eng)
01. Aum - Eng
02. Om Ma - Eng
03. Aya Maha - Eng
04. Owaha Kamahi - Eng
05. Om Shaktiye - Eng
06. Om Gam Ganapataye - Eng
07. Namaha - Eng
08. Om - Eng
09. Om Namah Shivaya - Eng
10.Hari Om - Eng
11. I-Yu-Wha-Ya-Wha-Hey - Eng
12. Jai Gaia Ma - Eng
13.So Ham - Eng
14.O-Aha - Eng
15. Om Mani Padme Hum - Eng
16. Kleem Shreem Lakshmi - Eng
17. Su - Eng
18.Yaha - Eng
19. Soka-ma - Eng
20. Jyoti - Eng
21. SatNam - Eng
22. Chakras - Eng
23.Savitur - Eng
24. Iyu - Eng
25. Yogena - Eng
26. Ramaya - Eng
27. Aducha - Eng
28. Om Surya - Eng
29. Mayura - Eng
30. Aying - Eng
31. Ra Ma Da Sa - Eng
32. Ahum - Eng
33. Dhanyavad - Eng
34. I Am - Eng
35. Yemaya - Eng
36. Om Shanti - Eng
37. Aham Prema - Eng
38. Om Amarani - Eng
39. Ananda - Eng
and more...
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