Contents of Leela, the Game of Self-Knowledge, by Harish Johari

online version with art and music by Garsett Larosse




1. Rules of Play

2. Meaning of the Game

3. Numerology of the Game


The Commentaries

4. First Row: The Fundamentals of Being

1. Genesis (janma)

2. Illusion (maya)

3. Anger (krodh)

4. Greed (lobh)

5. Physical plane (bhu-loka)

6. Delusion (moha)

7. Conceit (mada)

8. Avarice (matsar or matsarya)

9. Sensual plane (kama-loka)

5. Second Row: The Realm of Fantasy 

10. Purification (shuddhi)

11. Entertainment (gandharvas) 

12. Envy (eirsha) 

13. Nullity (antariksha) 

14. Astral plane (bhuvar-loka) 

15. Plane of fantasy (naga-loka) 

16. Jealousy (dwesh) 

17. Mercy (daya) 

18. Plane of joy (harsha-loka) 

6. Third Row: The Theater of Karma 


19. Plane of action (karma-loka) 

20. Charity (daan) 

21. Atonement (saman paap) 

22. Plane of dharma (dharma-loka) 

23. Celestial plane (swarga-loka) 

24. Bad Company (ku-sang-loka)

25. Good company (su-sang-loka) 

26. Sorrow (dukh) 

27. Selfless service (parmarth) 

7. Fourth Row: Attaining Balance 

28. Apt religion (sudharma) 

29. Irreligiosity (adharma) 

30. Good tendencies (uttam gati) 

31. Plane of sanctity (We Are One)  (yaksha-loka) 

32. Plane of balance (maha- or mahar-loka) 

33. Plane of fragrance (gandha-loka)

34. Plane of taste (rasa-loka)

35. Purgatory (narka-loka) 

36. Clarity of consciousness (swatch) 

8. Fifth Row: Man Becomes Himself 

37. True awareness (gyana; traditionally, jnana) 

38. Plane of life energy (prana-loka) 

39. Plane of elimination (apana-loka) 

40. Plane of circulation (vyana-loka) 

41. Human plane (jana-loka) 

42. Plane of fire (Agni-loka) 

43. Birth of man (manushya-janma) 

44. Ignorance (avidya) 

45. Right knowledge (suvidya) 

9. Sixth Row: The Time of Penance 


46. Conscience (vivek)

47. Plane of neutrality (Saraswati) 

48. Solar plane (Yamuna) 

49. Lunar plane (Ganges or Ganga) 

50. Plane of austerity (tapa- or tapar-loka) 

51. Earth (prithvi) 

52. Plane of violence (himsa-loka) 

53. Liquid plane (jala-loka) 

54. Spiritual devotion (bhakti-loka)


10. Seventh Row: The Plane of Reality 

55. Egotism (ahamkara)

56. Plane of primal vibrations (Omkar)

57. Gaseous plane (vayu-loka)

58. Plane of radiation (teja-loka)

59. Plane of reality (satya-loka) 

60. Positive intellect (subuddhi) 

61. Negative intellect (durbuddbi) 

62. Happiness (sukh)

63. Darkness (tamas) 


11. Eighth Row: The Gods Themselves 

64. Phenomenal plane (prakriti-loka) 

65. Plane of inner space (uranta-loka) 

66. Plane of bliss (ananda-loka) 

67. Plane of cosmic good (Rudra-loka) 

68. Cosmic Consciousness (Vaikuntha-loka) 

69. Absolute plane (Brahma-loka)

70. True nature (satoguna) 

71. Activity (rajoguna)

72. Inertia (tamoguna)